
Let's plant together: Joining a mission to reforest the world

With climate change a major concern around the world, it is important to us that we consider our impact on the environment not only as a business but as individuals. We partner with Tree-Nation, to take small steps to help ourselves and our clients sequester their CO2 emissions, having a positive impact on the planet for many more years to come.

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trees planted in 2022
0 K+
Tonnes of CO2 sequestered since inception
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trees planted in the last 18 months

Our Initiatives

Techies Go Green logo
Techies Go Green is a movement of tech-oriented companies who are committed to decarbonising their businesses with the main aim of helping every signatory become carbon neutral by 2030. KOcycle have been a signatory since 2021 with a focus on carbon neutrality and taking the positive steps needed to minimise our impact on the planet.
Tree Nation Partnership logo
From a reporting perspective, following each and every collection, we provide a Sustainability Summary, directly advising the amount of equipment collected, which equipment has been given a second life and what equipment has been broken down to go back into the supply chain under our focus on evidencing 0% to landfill and showing the impact of technology on our planet, capturing key metrics such as carbon creation mineral consumption, water consumption.

Tree-Nation Projects

We support a number of projects globally, take a look below at a couple of examples the projects we support.

Tree Nation Projects

Madagascar - Eden Projects

Located in the northwest of Madagascar, the Eden Reforestation Project has successfully planted 16millon dry deciduous trees and mangroves in this remote area since its inception in 2007. Deforestation contributes to 17% of all CO2 emission, and in Madagascar it has created major issues as the extreme rates of habitat loss have impacted many endemic species. The destruction of healthy forests can also create significant challenges for the locals living in the area as trees help to purify water sources, control flooding and erosion and help to replenish the soils with nutrients needed for farming. This results in many farmers being unable to provide for their families but through their projects Tree-Nation hire locals to plant the trees, providing them with a stable income and is the starting point of the reforestation project which begins to reverse the negative effects of deforestation.
Madagascar Tree Planting
Madagascar Tree Planting

We will be planting the following species:

  • Rhizophora Mucronata
  • Ceriops Tagal
  • Bruguiera Gymnorrhiza
  • Avicennia Marina

Community tree planting - United Kingdom

UK Tree Planting

This programme enables UK communities to plant native trees in their local public spaces. At just 13%, the UK currently has one of the lowest rates of tree cover in Europe. Working across the UK, this project will increase tree cover, absorb carbon from the atmosphere, and provide vital habitat for local wildlife. It will also provide a vital community link – therefore encouraging both biodiversity and local communities to flourish once more.

We will be planting the following species:

  • Betula pubescens

  • Ulmus glabra